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JA-SOLAR rekrutiert für Positionen:
Sales Manager
Sales Manager
Senior Sales Manager
Outstanding negotiation skills, with a solid proficiency in module sales contract discussions for projects and tendering processes
Familiar with PV policies, standards and practices of Central European countries, ensuring compliance and excellence in all undertakings
Fluent speaker in German and in English
Possess an extensive network of contacts among the main players within the PV project segments in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Experience of at least 7 years in small to utility scale PV projects, showcasing a depth of experience and knowledge that sets you apart
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Entrepreneurial mindset
Highly motivated in work
Establish a foundation of trust with key customers in the PV sector, building sustained collaboration and success
Meet sales targets
Participate in sales strategy development and marketing plans for the Central European PV module project market
Lead projects proficiently from inception to successful contract closure by providing an exceptional level of service and expertise
Develop a strong partnership and work closely with the internal teams for successful contract negotiations
Following up on ongoing utility projects in the market, leading and managing contract negotiations up to signature from both sides, customer and JA Solar
Identify sales opportunities, developing strong channels and consolidating long-lasting business relationships with strategic partners such as project developers, EPCs, technical advisors, investors and key project stakeholders
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