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Innoplexus AG rekrutiert für Positionen:
Informationsdesign & Dokumentation
Informationsdesign & Dokumentation
We are seeking an experienced AI Consultant specialized in the application of AI technologies within the ADC development landscape
This role involves strategic planning, implementation of AI technologies, and collaboration across multidisciplinary teams to achieve groundbreaking results in ADC development
The ideal candidate will possess a deep understanding of both AI and biopharmaceutical development, particularly in ADCs, to drive our initiatives in integrating AI-driven solutions for drug discovery, design, and development processes
Proven experience in applying AI and machine learning in drug discovery and development, with specific expertise in ADCs highly desirable
Strong foundation in data science, including statistics, predictive modeling, and algorithm development
Familiarity with biopharmaceutical R&D processes, particularly in oncology or targeted therapies
Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively in multidisciplinary teams and communicate complex ideas effectively
Deep understanding of AI ethics, data privacy, and regulatory standards in the context of healthcare and pharmaceuticals
Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to think strategically and innovatively
Advanced degree in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Computer Science, or a related field, with a strong focus on AI applications in biopharmaceuticals
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