Sehr gute Zusammenarbeit
Agencja jest mega w porządku, praca bardzo szybko i wszystko się zgadza, szef przyjął nas bardzo miło, pani rekruterka bardzo pomocna
pracuję od ponad pół roku w Italpanelli, wszystko w porządku, dobry kontakt z agencją
I've arrived to the restaurant in Oldenburg to work as a weitress. Everything is good, owner of the restaurant gave me longer break so I can walk out with my dog during the day. Recruiter was on the phone with me during my arrival, and I got transport costs back...
Bin sehr zufrieden
Me and my wife are working for Gut Darss company in Germany, and would like to recommend EastRecruiting, who provided an excellent services for us.
I also get a work from eastRecruiting and work by obsthof in gottenheim. Thank you for hireing
We are a couple and work since weekend by cleaning company wegner in neukirchen. We are happy. Thank you
I arrived by restaurant. Captains Dinner. Work and boss are really good. I’m happy.
I highly recommend this agency who kept searching and finding the best option in my career for me in Hotel Restaurant Steinbock in Switzerland.
Am ales sa colaboram cu acesat agentie de servicii de recrutare, datorita calitatii deosebite a serviciilor prestate si a eficientei procesului de recrutare-selectie. Eu si sotul suntem angajati la clientul Corvus Group GmbH si totul decurge minunat.
Multumesc din suflet acestei agentii cu ajutorul caruia am obtinut doua locuri de munca in Germania pe parcursul anilor. Nu doar eu am fost ajutat si ci alti prieteni de-ai mei, colaborarea a fost foarte buna. Inca lucrez la firma WST, sunt apreciat si respectat, multumesc EastRecruiting!
Eu si prietenul meu lucram ca si curieri pentru Amazon de doua luni la firma We Brinks prin intemediul acestei agentii, totul este perfect. Recomand tuturor aceasta agentie daca vor sa ajunga la un loc de munca serios in Germania.
Foarte multumita ca datorita acestei agentii am reusit sa gasesc un loc de munca serios si pe termen lung,a firma Hansesun Germany, chiar aveam nevoie urgent si am primit tot ajutorul necesar.
Mi-am gasit un loc de munca potrivit meseriei mele in Germania. Aceasta agentie a intermediat angajarea la firma ItalStuck, toata colaborarea a functionat perfect. Multumesc echipei, recomand!
Dobra Dobra !
Cea mai serioasa agentie de recrutare pentru Germania si nu numai. Am fost placut surpins ca tot ce am vorbit a fost adevarat. Am obtinut doua locuri de munca prin aceasta agentie, la hotel Bareiss si firma Sakin GmbH. Multumesc EastRecruiting!
Wszystkim gorąco polecam. Wszystko zgodne z opisem
Gute Leistung
Kommentar wurde vom Administrator wegen Nichteinhaltung der Forenregeln entfernt
Ich arbeite noch bei einen Restaurant
, einen Job von eastRecruiting So diese Unternehmen ist richtig.
Hören Sie auf zu lügen!
Współpracuje z agencja co roku kiedy chce jechać do pracy sezonowej na zbiory. Wszystko ok!
Współpracuje z agencja sezonowo co roku, kiedy chce jechać na zbiory. Wszystko ok, polecam!
Wszystko zgodne z oferta pracy. Bardzo dobra współpraca z rekruterka.
Pracowałam poprzez agencję Eastrecruiting sezonowo, wszystko było w porządku, dostałam zwrot za podróż.
Dobra robota !
Es gab keinerlei Probleme bei der Personalvermittlung. Sehr guter Service und kompetente Mitarbeiter. Wir kommen gerne wieder auf EastRecruiting zurück.
Hi, I’m from Parkistan. Sendet my CV to EastRecruiting that they help me to get a work permit for germany. They will help me to start my new future.
Eu si sotul meu am primit un loc de munca impreuna la firma Allcox unde totul a functionat perfect. Am avut o cazare foarte frumoasa si angajatorul prietenos. A fost startul nostru pentru a ne stabili in Germania, suntem foarte recunoscatori ca am gasit aceasta agentie.