DRV Rheinland /GM in Düsseldorf Gehalt

DRV Rheinland /GM
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Gehalt aus Positionen in DRV Rheinland /GM

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DRV Rheinland /GM rekrutiert für Positionen:

Database Administrator


  • In terms of personal requirements, you have a high degree of customer and service orientation
  • Furthermore, you ideally have conceptual and analytical skills and an independent way of working
  • Continuous further training and independent familiarization with new subject areas are just as desirable as a willingness to travel on business
  • Good oral and written communication skills and a good command of written and spoken German round off your profile
  • Flexibility and the ability to work under pressure are just as much a part of your strengths as a high level of commitment
  • Good knowledge of general data security and data protection regulations
  • Knowledge of the COBOL85 programming language and how to work with shell scripts
  • Experience in dealing with customers and knowledge of ITIL is desirable