Highly esteemed for its consulting expertise, particularly in business intelligence.
Promotes a positive work culture allowing mistakes and integrating new employees effectively.
Significant emphasis on work-life balance, including options for flexible working hours and remote work.
Strong career development opportunities with generous provision for continuing education.
Communication is supported by modern tools, and management is described as approachable and inclusive.
High turnover as suggested by one review indicating more former employees than current ones on Xing, though this is not a consensus view.
Criticism toleration appears to be low according to one negative review, highlighting potential issues in management's receptiveness.
Mitarbeiter bei Detect Value AG schätzen die Teilnahme an Branchenveranstaltungen in Walldorf (Werra). Wie beeinflusst das eure berufliche Entwicklung und Kenntnis der neuesten Trends?
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