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commercetools rekrutiert für Positionen:
Implementation Manager
Designing and implementing our BI solution and ensuring that all data protection requirements are met
Helping our People department by giving them access to BI solutions tailored for their needs
Driving the right strategy to continuously increase dashboard performance
Plan, build and manage ETL workflows to integrate data from many sources into a single source
Help us to build an in-house data warehouse from scratch that will enable data analysis and data-driven decisions for People & Operations confidential data
Fluency in English
Strong communication skills
Experience building complex queries in Structured Query Language language
Valued: Smart, strong, passionate individuals hailing from over 50 countries across the globe, speaking over 43 languages, and collectively embracing diversity, encouraging inclusion, and fostering a culture of caring
Good understanding of data structures and data management
️ Remote Work: Up to 60 days/year from a country different from your base country
Strong analytical thinking skills
A naturally proactive approach with the ability to bring new ideas to fruition in a solution-oriented way
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