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Cloud&Heat Technologies GmbH von rekrutiert für Positionen:
Software Engineer
Software Engineer
Lead Cloud&Heat’s efforts in a research & development project in the field of innovative applications in the digital ecosystem Gaia-X
Work closely with partners during all project phases to achieve project goals
Collaborate with project partners in analysing a set of highly innovative use cases and defining the requirements for the cloud layer of the project
Coordinate the internal activities to develop, implement and test the Gaia-X compliant cloud layer, and conduct a substantial amount of these activities
Perform project management tasks, such as the participation in consortium meetings, the timely production of deliverables and the contribution to reporting duties
Completed apprenticeship and/or a degree in computer science or comparable qualification
Knowledge of basic data structures and algorithms
Strong knowledge of Python and/or other languages
Comprehensive knowledge of Unix-like and other operating systems
Experience in architecture and application design
Experience with current software development tools
Experience with the Kubernetes API is a plus
Knowledge of build and test automation and, if applicable, the associated open-source tools
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