Campusjäger in Karlsruhe Gehalt

Leopoldstraße 7c, 76133 Karlsruhe.
MwSt-IdNr.: Mannheim HRB 723326

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Gehalt aus Positionen in Campusjäger

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Campusjäger rekrutiert für Positionen:

Computer Science


  • Interested? We are looking forward to your application via Campusjäger
  • A competitive salary from the start and a raise to EUR 120,000 annually after only one year
  • A working environment that makes this team stay and grow
  • We have our own reference-counting and persistence libraries to save and restore whole object trees
  • A flat organization and plenty of room for your ideas
  • Our software not only produces charts, it is also able read them back from paper. For our chart recognition tool, we rely on OpenCV and the Leptonica Image Processing Library
  • Enough time to make sure that every detail of your solution is perfect