Beschreiben Sie dem Arbeitgeber, welche Erfahrungen Sie haben, und erhalten Sie interessante Karriereangebote! Lassen Sie sich von anderen Nutzern bei Ihrer Wahl beraten.
WSD rekrutiert für Positionen:
You are an experienced, passionate, and enthusiastic Java Developer, especially with know-how in Java 11-21
You love elegant and highly effective code and prefer to find an easy solution for complex problems
Reactive Programming principles challenge you
You have experiences in TDD and are ready to implement your knowledge and share it with the teammates
You know how Mongo DB and Cassandra work, and have fun becoming a proper expert in that
You are familiar with Docker containerization and Kubernetes orchestration
You like to work in a team and are willing to drive it to success
You are familiar with Spring Boot and/or Quarkus
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