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Thunderful rekrutiert für Positionen:
Produktion & Fertigung
Produktion & Fertigung
We are looking for writing support with a feminine perspective to represent said perspective in an authentic and impactful manner
Not to mention relatable characters and flirtatious encounters
You are able to bring those perspectives and voices to the project and are eager to join forces with our resident narrative designers to craft a unique fresh IP with fully realized characters, strong themes and deep worldbuilding and help craft a script with love, great character arcs, drama, betrayal and lighthearted moments
As the Game Writer you will work on a game with a narrative focused on a female protagonist and featuring strong feminine themes, such as motherhood, bodily autonomy and romance, in addition to being a science-fantasy epic with heavy cyberpunk influences
Strong ideation, brainstorming and documentation skills
We would love to see that you have a strong drive to write something that hits people hard. A strong affinity for the cyberpunk and high fantasy genres as well as punk and other anarchist music are also a big plus
Progressive and queer-friendly team
Base understanding of anarchist philosophies and left leaning ideas
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