SAP in Sankt Leon-Rot Gehalt

Bewertung 5/5
basierend auf 1 Bewertungen
Sankt Leon-Rot
Bewertung 5/5
basierend auf 1 Bewertungen

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Gehalt aus Positionen in SAP

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SAP rekrutiert für Positionen:



  • Medien & Kommunikation
  • Medien & Kommunikation


  • Several years of experience in Government Relation
  • Excellent German and English Skills
  • A good working knowledge of IT regulatory and policy issues
  • A good understanding of government policy-making processes
  • Experience in advising and communicating with senior-level corporate executives
  • Understanding of international issues and how a company can strategically face the challenges of the global market
  • Good analytical and communications skills
  • Ability to work in an action oriented, decision-making environment and be decisive