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PUMA Gruppe rekrutiert für Positionen:
Manager Controlling
Responsibility for the SD/OTC part of the migration of the R/3 SAP to S/4 HANA Fashion
Be a part of the cross-functional team driving our EEMEA S/4 HANA Fashion projects
Consult our business partners in process and solution design with focus on PTP processes for our wholesale and retail business
Configure and customize the SAP SD module based on the needs of the business
Prioritize business requests jointly with our partners to achieve the best possible outcome
Your focus is on Order to Cash processes for our wholesale and retail business and your challenge is to ensure that the solutions you design with your partners work effectively, are scalable and support our goal of being the fastest sport brand in the world
Ensure communication with all project members for cross functional areas
Seek and provide regular feedback to our business partners to continuously improve our working and delivery mode
Very good knowledge of business processes and relevant technology in wholesale & retail, preferably footwear and apparel
Embracing international exposure and willingness to travel
Strong execution capabilities combined with an entrepreneurial and hands-on approach
Excellent verbal and written language skills in English and German
Outstanding analytical and technical skills with focus on ERP systems OTC functional and international environments
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