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Procter & Gamble Service rekrutiert für Positionen:
Process engineer
Process engineer
Electrical engineer
Elektroniker Geräte Systeme
Engineering Manager
Automation engineer
Technical expertise, ideally with experience in decoration processes and/or material development
Experience with and interest in driving the use of Modeling & Simulation and Design of Experiments
Proven ability to deliver against CQV criteria. Educational background in chemical or mechanical engineering or in other relevant technical fields
Strong collaboration and networking skills
Strong skills in personal leadership, priority setting and communication to align and focus the global multifunctional team behind the important process development plans and timings
Strong problem-solving skills and creativity to reapply or find new solutions for issues related to product / material / process innovations and how to implement them via process development and engineering
The position will require up to 50 % business travel and temporarily up to 80% to support development activities in other P&G sites or at suppliers
Strong oral and written communication and recordkeeping skills for efficient sharing and documentation of test plans, data, findings and conclusions, and recommendations
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