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Offerista Group von rekrutiert für Positionen:
Product designer
Product designer
You help us build a rich backlog of ideas that are connected with our users’ needs and pain points
You increase the success changes of our experiments by validating the tests before the implementation
With your hands-on attitude you develop our products and client satisfaction
You stay up to date on current industry trends and market conditions
You modify and revise existing designs to meet changing customer preferences
You contribute to our OKRs and take part in the team's OKR planning
#officegoals - work in modern, playful and centrally located offices, ergonomically equipped and with daily fresh fruits, vegetables & yogurt as well as a tea and coffee flatrate with your favorite milk
#100%flexible - flexible working time models, trust-based working time, mobile working arrangements as well as the possibility of a sabbatical
Very good communication skills of spoken and written English
4+ years of experience in a product design role
#lean - lean, agile and highly dynamic working environment with various activities and plenty of room for creativity and co-designing our common path
Strong portfolio demonstrating your unique creative and design skills
Excellent attention to detail
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