Beschreiben Sie dem Arbeitgeber, welche Erfahrungen Sie haben, und erhalten Sie interessante Karriereangebote! Lassen Sie sich von anderen Nutzern bei Ihrer Wahl beraten.
Glory Global Solutions rekrutiert für Positionen:
Value Creation - strive to create value for customers
Self-Starter - understand the objectives of your own work and are proactive in achieving goals
Collaboration - respect diversity and create a culture of collaboration to work with each other to achieve a common goal
Own Growth - leverage our own talent and achieve personal development by adopting a broader perspective; looking beyond our own work
Integrity - understand Glory’s mission and act with responsibility and pride to realise achievement and act and behave with high integrity and a strong sense of ethics
Is developing/has developed specialised competence in a specific area; assists with other tasks
A good level of written and verbal communication skills; can adapt approach/style of communication in different situations
Has a good understanding of the teams’ technical abilities and how to apply own skills to their work
Consistently demonstrates initiative and creativity in their work
Displays ability to analyse impact of their ideas and solutions
Adopts a logical and methodical approach to their work; is flexible
Consistently applies logic and works in a methodical manner
Technically competent and familiar with technology
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