Beschreiben Sie dem Arbeitgeber, welche Erfahrungen Sie haben, und erhalten Sie interessante Karriereangebote! Lassen Sie sich von anderen Nutzern bei Ihrer Wahl beraten.
Geschätztes Gehalt
€ 7500
Durchschnittsgehalt bei EUMETSAT
€ 5000Niedrigstes Gehalt
€ 7688Das Durchschnittsgehalt
€ 10000Höchstes Gehalt
Glauben Sie, dass Mitarbeiter, die bei EUMETSAT arbeiten, fair bezahlt werden?
EUMETSAT rekrutiert für Positionen:
Project Manager
Facility Manager
Events coordinator
Cost Controller
Software Engineer
Configuration Management
The official languages of EUMETSAT are English and French. Candidates must be able to work effectively in English and working knowledge of French is a distinct advantage
Candidates must be able to work effectively in English
Excellent salary, of up to Euro 7,500 NET based on skills and experience
Experience of working with European Commission project would be an additional asset
Practical experience with system engineering methodologies
Significant experience of working in international partnerships, including with African partner organisations
EUMETSAT is entering an interesting and challenging period as a wide-ranging and transformational program of technology refresh is underway, and multiple satellite launches are planned during the next few years