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eBay Inc. rekrutiert für Positionen:
Market Manager
Customer service manager
Brand Manager
Business Analyst
Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills, with the ability to drive and implement ideas in a changing environment
Capability to work independently and drive projects with many moving parts
A high degree of flexibility when it comes to project assignments
Looking for a company that inspires passion, courage and creativity, where you can be on the team shaping the future of global commerce? Want to shape how millions of people buy, sell, connect, and share around the world? If you’re interested in joining a purpose driven community that is dedicated to crafting an ambitious and inclusive work environment, join eBay
Excellent project management skills and the ability to coordinate and work on cross-functional projects
a company you can be proud to be with
A strong work ethic, you are someone who takes phenomenal pride in diversity, professionalism, collaboration
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