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Amadeus rekrutiert für Positionen:
Manager Travel
Manager Travel
Senior Account Manager
Facility Management
Database Administrator
Service Engineer
Lead Buyer
Senior Account Manager
Manager Travel
I.e., you work proactively with customers and internal teams, gaining customer trust and uncover needs and opportunities for new solutions
You are accountable for your actions and build relationships at ease
You can make a difference by taking responsibility for understanding the needs and constraints of high-value OTA customers, and then promoting early adoption and usage of Amadeus product to derive maximum value for the customer
You lead the post-sales cycle and are an essential part of completing a successful sale, as well as promoting renewals and expansion of accounts
To achieve this, you love establishing relationship and communicating across all management level and ensure customers are satisfied with their Amadeus solutions
Our industry language is English; besides German you speak and write business English fluently
Our industry language is English, you speak and write business English fluently. If you speak German, it will be an asset
You are comfortable to work in a complex environment and building strong bonds with primary customers
You are a team player and care about the team success
You have a solid business acumen and a desire for customer´s success
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