SCHUF Chemieventile Vertriebs in Eppstein Gehalt

SCHUF Chemieventile Vertriebs
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Gehalt aus Positionen in SCHUF Chemieventile Vertriebs

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SCHUF Chemieventile Vertriebs rekrutiert für Positionen:

Quality Assurance Engineer


  • Chemieingenieurwesen
  • Chemieingenieurwesen


  • Strong verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to effectively communicate quality-related
  • Proficient in at least English or German, ideally in both
  • You must have certification to do VT, PT and RT level 2 inspections
  • simultaneously
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects
  • Proficient in statistical tools and techniques